Senior Portrait Information

Senior Yearbook Portraits are due on November 1, 2010 to Mrs. Smith in Room 102.

A detailed explanation of the guidelines for senior portraits is available online at the Perry High School website.  Click on Senior Picture Guidelines.

How can I find out if my senior portrait arrived by the deadline?
As the senior portraits begin to arrive, they are placed in a file on Mrs. Smith's computer.  Early in January 2011 a list of senior portraits that have been received will be posted outside of the main office.
  What should I do if I can't get my portrait in by November 1, 2010?
Please see Mrs. Smith as soon as possible to reserve a space in the book for your portrait.  There is a window of time available after the deadline while the book is being created, but please make sure that you don't delay too long.  Once the senior section is ready for publication, it will be too late to get your portrait included in the book.
I would like to have a senior portrait in the yearbook, but I'm not planning on having a complete set of senior photos done.  What can I do?
Please see Mrs. Smith.  Our yearbook photographer, James Wood, will do a yearbook portrait for you if you wish.
James Wood Photography
4400 Lincoln Way E
Massillon, OH  44646